Pet Safety Tips for Spring

Let's delve into some information pertinent to the spring season.

You might be under the impression that parasites are a summer nuisance, but here in sunny Florida, fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal parasites are party crashers all year round. Ticks have a soft spot for our mild spring and fall weather, while fleas love the comfortable temperatures inside our homes. Now, let's talk about mosquitos. They're not just annoying, they carry heartworm larvae too, and they're a constant presence in Florida.

Our beloved Dr. Terri has a playful way of introducing newcomers to our state; she jests that mosquitos are the official bird of Florida, and fleas and ticks are vying for the title of state mammal. This is why we strongly advocate for top-notch, year-round protection against these uninvited and parasitic guests.

Snakes. Why’d it have to be snakes?

Spring in Florida brings not just beautiful weather, but also a bit of caution for our beloved pets. There is a higher risk of snake bites. Young snakes maturing during this season might not have complete control over their venom release, making encounters with them potentially more severe. As they emerge from their sleepy winter, snakes may not be as clear-headed.

As we take advantage of the pleasant weather and spend more time outdoors with our pets, dusk becomes a critical time to be vigilant, as that's when snakes are usually hunting. But remember, not all snakes are harmful!  In fact, many non-venomous snakes help keep their venomous counterparts at bay. 

Curious about how to tell them apart? Check out Identifying Florida's Venomous Snakes ( to be in the know!


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