Fall Safety Tips for Pets from our Veterinary Practice

As summer winds to a close and fall is in full swing, pet owners must be vigilant about potential seasonal hazards for their furry companions. Here are a few essential safety tips to remember:

1. Seasonal Allergies and Skin Care

  • Monitor pets for signs of allergies such as itching, sneezing, and watery eyes. Consult a vet for appropriate treatments if symptoms arise.

2. Toxic Plants and Mushrooms

  • Keep pets away from toxic plants like chrysanthemums and certain wild mushrooms, which can cause severe health issues if ingested.

3. Halloween Hazards

  • Secure chocolate, candies, and decorations out of reach. Loud noises from festivities can frighten pets, so provide a quiet space for them.

4. Weather Precautions

  • As temperatures change, ensure pets are comfortable with appropriate clothing and shelter. In Florida, this time of year can remain hot or switch to cold abruptly. Be cautious with antifreeze, as it is highly toxic if ingested.

5. Signs of Snakes

  • Snakes become more aggressive in the fall, as they are more likely to be out on the prowl, searching for substantial food sources. When out on walks, or even in your own yard, pay close attention to potential hiding places.

By following these tips, pet owners can ensure a fun, safe fall season for their dogs and cats.


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